AmortizeIt! ErrorMem INSTALL DEFAULT DIRECTORY; This routine allows you to set a new subdirectory where )Accept new default subdirectory (Y/N)? : U # Change/ Set/ No Set error This is the new color U Install Color picker Choose and Set the Screen Colors Frame Change color of menu frame Title!Change color of menu title string Unselected/Text5Change color of program's text & unselected menu item Selected"Change color of selected menu item Pick2Change color of character highlighted to pick item Change color of help lines bAckground$Change color of program's background Default subdirectory( Location of Overlay, Help & Data Files Save changes and quit"Save All Changes for the Next Time Quit install/no save#Quit Install without Saving ChangesU AmortizeIt! (tm) errorU Summary ErrorMem!Summarize Through What Period? : ###' Calculate/Summarize : Cancel Summary Through Period Number: Remaining Balance: Total Payment: Total Principal: Total of Extra Payments: Interest BEFORE Extra Pay.: Interest AFTER Extra Pay.: Interest Saved: Press Any Key...U u#RSP u#RSP Year for table?: U Press any key to continue... YTD TOTALS: RUNNING TTLS:F : R(epeat) : N(ext) : A(ny) : S(ummary) : Help : PrintE : R(epeat) : N(ext) : A(ny) : S(ummary) : Help PrintU u#RSP u#RSP u#RSP u#Y^_ u#RSP u#RSP u#RSP u#RSP u#RSP u#RSP ERROR! ErrorMemMake ErrorMemDis Press any key... Max amount = $ Max periods = Max rate = %1Extra payments not available when only one period3Adjustable rates not available when only one period$Data out of range. Maximum years is . Periods / Payments Per Year.4Adjustable rates NOT available using the Rules-of-782Extra payments NOT available using the Rules-of-78U > Select First Fiscal Month : : : 6 Enter Nominal Annual Interest : Calc : Help; Enter Additional Rates : : : U mm/dd/yyyyU u#RSP u#Y^_ u#RSP u#Y^_ 8#RSP ~.RSP M Copy Rates : : < > : < > : < > : < > : : : 2 Copy Rates : : < > : < > : < > : < Copy Rates : U ##.####U Copy Interest Rates ErrorMem Interest Rate? (%) : ##.### Copy from : Copy to : Copy : Cancel U FixedP Interest rate does NOT change and all periods SET equal to the first rate. Adjust annuallyP Nominal interest rate may change once a year on origination date of loan. adjust PeriodicallyP Nominal interest rate may change with each payment period. Paid Interest RateP Interest rate that is actually paid. Accrued Interest RateP Interest rate that is accrued. Enter PAID Interest Rates Enter ACCRUED Interest Rates ErrorMem ErrorMemMakeWindow ErrorMemDisplayWindow)Cancel ALL Adjustable Rate Entries? (Y/N)U Interest Rates ErrorMemMakeWindow ErrorMemDisplayWindowU N Copy : : : < > : < > : < > : : : I Copy Payments : : : : < > : < > : < > " Copy Payments : Quit U ##,###,###.##U Copy Amounts ErrorMem Extra Amount?: ($) : #######.## Copy from : Copy to : Copy : Cancel U No Extra PaymentP All previously entered extra payments set to $0.00. : for no change. Extra annuallyP Extra payments made on the anniversary date of 1st payment. : no change extra PeriodicallyP Extra payments may be made for any or all periods. : for no change. Enter Extra Payments ErrorMemU January February March April auGust September October November DecemberU Amount of Loan?: ##,###,###.## Total Payments? (#): ############# 1st Payment Date?: mm/dd/yyyy Payment Method?: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Payment Period?: Compounding Period?: Display Year?: Amortizing Method?: Days Per Year?: Annual Rate? (%): ##########.##U I #/YR MM/DD/YR PAYMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST BALANCEU AmortizeIt! ErrorMemMkWinMainAmort ErrorMemDisplayMainAmort mm/dd/yyyy ErrorMemMakeWindow ErrorMemDisplayWindowD WARNING: Over Max Years, Number of Payments Reset. Press Any Key...G WARNING: Results NOT accurate. Rules-of-78 NOT allowed with AdjustableAInterest Rates, Accrued Rates or Extra Payments. Press Any Key...U u#RSP u#Y^_ u#RSP u#Y^_ >9J9R9o9 ;%<*<; @6@}@ @)AUA_AtA B'BiB D'D/D7D?D F]V] ^.^n^ _)`0` a3a8aFaUaqava b1b6bEbabfbub c!c&c5cQcVcec e*e2e?ewe f+f6fJfafwf g+gBgWgcgwg h&h;hGhOhuh h'i8iJiOiTieiji k&k K a f k v } &:E(u3 &:E(u &:E t !$!0!Q!u! #"#e#q#